Australian back yards are synonymous with the shed and the man cave. It’s just how it is, how it’s been for years, and why there are so many sheds going into Australian back yards.
You can picture it now; as you walk out to your friend’s back yard at a get together, the boys all walk over to admire the sparkling new man cave sitting in the farthest corner of the back yard.
This is just how it is!
But does it need council approval?
If you have a decent sized man cave, and let’s face it guys size matters here, council needs to see the plans and issue a building permit before you can start sending out those invites to celebrate your manliness.
“When it comes to sheds, size really does matter…”
If your shed is bigger than 10m2 then you will need to send in floor plans, elevations, site plan and engineering for your shed to your local council so they can work their magic and issue a building permit.
Once this approval is issued, you can start planning your grand opening night and enjoying your newfound man space.
Complete Approvals is only too happy to help with any or all of this process. Please feel free to drop us a line!